
USB Downloader(LN-101)



USB Downloader is used to connect the USB port of PC and the 4-pin port of the controller through serial communication.

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Serial Communication

  • [Download Task Code written in PC using the controller][download_task_code]
  • [Print out the result of task code execution on the screen of PC][task_result_print]
  • [Virtual robot control of RoboPlus][virtual_robot_control]

Available Controller

  • [CM-100]
  • [CM-150]
  • [CM-200]
  • [CM-700]
  • [OpenCM9.04]

NOTE : Difference in voltage may cause unstable LN-101 connections. Ensure that both connecting equipment and PC are properly grounded.

Check Driver

How to check whether the USB downloader(LN-101) driver is installed correctly.

  1. Connect USB Downloader (LN-101) to the USB Port of PC.


  2. Select Manage in the popped-up menu shown by right-clicking My Computer.


  3. Check USB Serial Converter in Universal Serial Bus Controllers of Device Manager.


  4. Check USB Serial Port(COMx) in the list of Ports(COM & LPT). COM Port number may vary depending on each system.


Install Driver Manually

If you installed RoboPlus, FTDI Driver (USB2Dynamixel, USB Downloader (LN-101) driver) is installed together automatically. If you didn’t install the RoboPlus yet, or if the driver is not installed appropriately, please install it manually according to following procedures.

  1. Connect a device to PC. If the driver is not installed yet, Found New Hardware Wizard will be popped up. Install from a list or specific location (Advanced)(S) -> Next(N)


  2. Decide the location of Driver. If RoboPlus S/W has been installed automatically, the driver is in LN101 folder of RoboPlus Installation folder. Or if you want to install the newest version, download the newest version VCP driver from FTDI Driver Download page.



  3. Click the Next(N) button to start the installation. Installation of USB Serial Converter driver is completed.


  4. Install the USB Serial Port driver in the same way.



Setting up the port